
January 3, 2017

About Mishte

There is just constant need for progress. Once human stops evolving, then there is end.

Making instruments is just one type of tool to make bigger progress.

Meaning of name

Word “mište” originates from gipsy slang meaning “very good”. Literally in area of Kosice it describes something very fancy or expresses very good ( good) feeling. So if you next time experience something extraordinary, for example good jam on Mishte instruments, then look at your friends around and best word to say is “Mishte!”.


… if you feel like there is anything you can help with, it is your turn to tell us!

One knows this and other something else and all together we do too much.” [Jan Werich]

Ten umí to a ten zas tohle a všichni dohromady udělají moc.” [Jan Werich]